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lead nurturing tips to increase success, success graph

Lead Nurturing Tips to Increase Sales and Conversions

Just because you’ve acquired the contact information of a prospective customer or lead doesn’t necessarily mean they are ready to purchase your product or service. Prospects often need “nurturing” to ease them through the selling process. And by nurturing your leads, you’ll reap the benefits of more sales and increasedRead More

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Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Business Online

Who says online marketing has to cost an arm and a leg? While there are plenty of high-priced advertising platforms available on the Internet, there are other, more budget-friendly ways to promote your business online. Create a Facebook Page Being that Facebook is the world’s most popular and widely usedRead More

keyboard - business

5 Tips to Grow Your Business in 2016

With the new year upon us, there’s no better time than now for small business owners to develop new strategies to grow their business. So today we’re going to reveal five tips to help grow your business in 2016. Target New Markets Don’t be afraid to venture into other marketsRead More

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5 Tasks Every Business Owner Should Automate

Still conducting your normal business operations manually? Granted, there are certain tasks that must be done by hand, but there are others tasks which can be automated. Here are 5 tasks every business owner should automate: Social Media Posts Making regular posts is essential to maintaining a strong presence onRead More

5 Ways to Build Loyal Customers

What percentage of your site’s customers return to make a second or third purchase? According to Experian, it’s six-to-twelve times cheaper to sell to an existing customer than a new one. Business owners can use this to their advantage by building loyal customers, which is something that we’re going toRead More

landing page conversion tips, tip jar

Tips to Improve Landing Page Conversions

Creating a successful landing page requires a different approach than standard/traditional websites. Landing pages have one primary goal in mind: to entice visitors to take action. Whether you are selling a physical product, digital product, service, or just collecting email addresses, you’ll want to optimize your landing page for theRead More

Best Practices for Email Marketing

Use a Recognizable From Name Don’t underestimate the importance of using a recognizable “from name” in your marketing emails. This is the name that typically appears to the left of the subject line, making it the FIRST thing a recipient sees upon checking his or her email. If the recipientRead More

award trophy - infusionsoft

Infusionsoft Named ‘Winner’ on CRM Watchlist

The popular tech news and industry insights website Zdnet has published its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Watchlist for 2015. While there are dozens of different CRM providers on the market, only two were named as “winners” on the Watchlist: Coveo and Infusionsoft. A Little Bit About Infusionsoft Founded in 2001Read More

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Reducing Customer Returns for E-Commerce Stores

If you own or manage an e-commerce store, you’ll going to have customers who wish to return their purchased product. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, some customers simply won’t be satisfied with their order, at which point they’ll contact you asking for a refund. A coupleRead More

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Tips for ‘Retargeting’ Non-Converting Visitors

Here’s a scenario to consider: a visitor access your e-commerce website, adds a product to his or her shopping cart, but then has a sudden change of heart and leaves without following through with the purchase. Some webmasters may assume this potential sale is gone forever, and the visitor neverRead More