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Facebook Insights, Facebook login pages

How to Use Facebook Insights Like a Pro

There’s no denying the fact that Facebook is the king of social media with more than 1.3 billion monthly users and counting. You can leverage the power of Facebook by creating a Page for your business or brand and improving its metrics using the Insights tool. What is Facebook Insights? FacebookRead More

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Social Media Marketing: Going Beyond Facebook

There’s no denying the fact that Facebook is the world’s largest and most popular social media network. With more than 1.3 billion monthly users, it’s become the network of choice for consumers and brands alike to network. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that business owners shouldn’t use other social mediaRead More

How To Market Your Small Business on Facebook

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are more than 28 million small businesses operating in the United States. With so much competition, many entrepreneurs struggle to acquire customers. And without customers, you simply won’t be able to succeed, regardless of you business’s niche/vertical. The good news is thatRead More