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10 years of Twitter

Celebrating Twitter’s 10th Birthday With 10 Marketing Tips

It’s been exactly 10 years since Jack Dorsey launched the world’s first 140-characters-or-less social media network. Since then, Twitter has grown to become one of the world’s leading social networks, boasting a user base of several hundred million. To celebrate this milestone, we’re going to reveal some helpful Twitter marketingRead More

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Social Media Marketing: Going Beyond Facebook

There’s no denying the fact that Facebook is the world’s largest and most popular social media network. With more than 1.3 billion monthly users, it’s become the network of choice for consumers and brands alike to network. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that business owners shouldn’t use other social mediaRead More


5 Ways to Attract More Twitter Followers

Twitter, the world’s most popular 140-characters-or-less social media network, is a powerful marketing tool. While many people use it strictly for sharing updates about their personal life, it can also be used to attract new customers and generate more sales. However, the success of Twitter marketing relies heavily on theRead More