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Facebook Insights, Facebook login pages

How to Use Facebook Insights Like a Pro

There’s no denying the fact that Facebook is the king of social media with more than 1.3 billion monthly users and counting. You can leverage the power of Facebook by creating a Page for your business or brand and improving its metrics using the Insights tool. What is Facebook Insights? FacebookRead More

Google pagerank retired, skeletons playing banjos

Google’s PageRank Is Dead. Now What?

If you use a web browser toolbar to analyze key metrics of the webpages that you visit, you may have noticed something different: PageRank data is no longer being displayed. PageRank: The Basics PageRank is an algorithmic formula with roots dating back to the origins of Google itself. It wasRead More

website load times

Do Website Load Times Really Matter?

When was the last time that you checked the speed of your website? When you’re busy researching topics, writing articles and performing the countless number of other tasks that go into maintaining a successful website, it’s easy to overlook something as simple as website load times. Besides, how much ofRead More

building backlinks SEO graphic

Building Backlinks: Tips for SEO Success

Google is constantly changing the algorithm it uses to rank websites. Experts estimate that it makes several hundred changes to its search ranking algorithm every year. But one of the most influential factors that determine where and how a website ranks is backlinks. So, what’s the best way to goRead More

google home page . google-friendly site

4 Tips for Creating a Google-Friendly Site

Processing more than 100 billion searches every month, Google remains the world’s leading search engine. While Bing is slowly but surely trending in the right direction, there are no signs of the Microsoft-owned search engine overtaking Google anytime soon. So if you’re a webmaster, you should focus your optimization effortsRead More

Instagram logo instagram marketing tips

Instagram Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

It may lack the audience of Facebook, but Instagram is still one of the net’s leading social media networks. It differs from other social media networks in the sense that it focuses on images, allowing users to snap and upload photos to their accounts in the blink of an eye.Read More

avoiding spam filters - spam sign

Email Marketing: How to Avoid Spam Filters

Even with all of the new online advertising platforms that have emerged in recent years, email remains the preferred choice among many seasoned marketers and business owners. Of course, there’s a good reason for this: email marketing is a cost-effective method for promoting products and/or services, as brands can marketRead More

email list, email icon

How to Build and Grow Your Email List

If you keep up with our blog, you are probably well aware of the power behind email marketing. It’s viewed as one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising (both online and offline), allowing business owners to promote their products, services and brands for a minimal investment. But email marketingRead More

Google, SEO graphic

How to Make Your Website More Searchable by Google

To say there are a lot of searches performed on Google would be an understatement. While the Mountain View company rarely discloses this type of information, Amit Singhal, Google’s Senior Vice President, revealed in 2012 that it crawls some 20 billion websites per day and processes roughly 100 billion searchesRead More

website mistakes, error message

Common Website Mistakes Made by 1st-Time Webmasters

So, you’re planning to launch your first website? Whether your goal is to sell a product, sell a service, or just establish greater recognition for your respective brand, a website can help you achieve these goals and more. However, you’ll want to avoid making the following website mistakes. Choosing aRead More